Within 1-2 business days after your purchase, we’ll send a set of voucher codes to the email address you use during checkout. The voucher codes will give 100% off a Designer badge with an expiration date 1 year from their issue date.
Give each member of your group one voucher they can use to zero out the cost of a Designer badge during checkout. Once they have a badge purchase recorded under their chosen contact email, they can register themselves to gain Discord server access though their Discord user account of choice.
You may choose to hold on to any portion of the vouchers and use them for a future convention weekend within the voucher expiration date.
Contact us if you’d like to purchase a bundle of 40 or more badges.
A note on Playtester badges and the group discount:
Since Playtester badges are discounted 75% as compared to Designer badges, vouchers purchased through the Large Group Badge Bundle are not redeemable for Playtester badges.
>Members of your group who don't plan to bring their own prototype(s) to playtest are welcome to attend under a Designer badge, which includes everything in the Playtester badge plus access to post sell sheets for feedback and make calls for playtesters during the event. We welcome calls for playtests that request small group discussion, brainstorming, or feedback on an idea or design problem for a game not yet built in one of our supported digital prototyping platforms.
Please Note: Protospiel Online playtesting conventions do not include Tabletop Simulator as a supported digital prototyping platform. All attending designers looking to playtest their games will need to use alternate tools. Read our statement about this policy for more details.
Early Bird pricing available through Mon, May 5, 2025 @ 11:59pm EDT
Early Bird Bundle vs Single Badge Price Comparison
Badge Count |
Early Bird Price per Badge |
Bundle Price per Badge |
% Savings |
10-14 | $40.00 | $20.00 | 50% |
15-19 | $40.00 | $18.50 | 54% |
20-24 | $40.00 | $17.00 | 58% |
25-29 | $40.00 | $15.50 | 61% |
30+ | $40.00 | $14.00 | 65% |