Published Games from the Protospiel Network
We love celebrating designers' success! Check out our listing of games tested at conventions in the Protospiel network that have made it to publication.
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This listing is in reverse chronological order based on publication year. Use the sort and filter options at the top of the table to change its arrangement or use the search bar to quickly find a game title, designer, or publisher name.
What People are Saying About Protospiel Online

I cannot express how grateful I was for the patience and kindness of everyone as I struggled with audio and just learning how to play games [on the virtual tabletop]. There were times when I wanted to give up because I was so frustrated, but everyone’s willingness to help allowed me the chance to get better.
Fertessa Allyse
I liked seeing the titles for press, publisher, admin and designer. I enjoyed how halls and tables worked, especially the private chats. I was able to watch a group of folks play via a stream in a private chat and enjoy the playtest without even playing.
Jchon Bahl II

As a complete newbie to Discord, Steam, and [board game simulations] (EEK!) I was able to navigate. The organizers were very helpful as well as all the attendees for those of us learning the ropes.
Nicole Fende
I’ve missed Protospiels tremendously. It was absolutely amazing to be able to see and play with some old friends as well as make new ones. I even got to flip a table!
[Protospiel Online] was very organized. And carefully thought out. Instructions were clear. Getting started with Discord and [virtual tabletops] isn’t always easy, but there’s help available.
Eric Jome

Thank you for organizing this event! As much as I love attending and organizing Protospiels, and as much as participating in an event like this online is not a complete substitute, it was still a really good experience. I got to be in contact with some old friends and make some new ones, I gave feedback on some interesting games and received insight and encouragement on my own.
Carl Klutzke
I didn’t have to pay for a hotel or take time to travel, food was inexpensive, and I was able to drop in and out so my spouse wasn’t neglected for the entire weekend.
I liked the Discord “Looking for a Game” protocol better than IRL Protospiels. I felt like there was almost always a game open when I was ready to play. I appreciated the online experience because I could take a break and attend to family matters throughout.
Andy Malone
I had trial by fire with 3 new software platforms, but there was plenty of (patient) support for newbs like me.

I just started seriously getting into tabletop game design last year, and this year was going to be my first big push into attending major cons and networking with the larger design community. So, with many of those opportunities gone, events like this are a great substitute way to make the best of the situation.
Clarence Simpson
I met some great people, played some fun games (hopefully providing feedback that the designers found helpful), and got in more playtests than I expected. It was very well organized and a model for how online playtesting events should be run.
Joe Slack

I really liked the Lobby. It wasn’t just a place to shuffle off to a playtest table. You could hang out there and interact with folks in a more relaxed setting. Being able to put a face to a Discord name was a big help for me personally when folks used video in the Lobby.
Catherine Stippell