Discord Live Event Creation Submit details for a live event you're hosting to announce the event or post a scheduling change to the Protospiel Online Discord #live-event-news channel and Discord Live Event Schedule page. Live Event Host(Required)Use our Live Event Host application form to apply to get your name added to this list.Choose an optionJon GillMatthew HockerAshwin KamathDavid KesslerKirsten LundeDavid MasnatoHeather NewtonJack RosetreeJoe SlackBryn SmithScott StarkeyEmily VincentEric DittmoreThis field is hidden when viewing the formJon Gill IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formMatthew Hocker IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formAshwin Kamath IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formDavid Kessler IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formKirsten Lunde IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formDavid Masnato IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formHeather Newton IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formJack Rosetree IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formJoe Slack IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formBryn Smith IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formScott Starkey IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formEmily Vincent IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formEric Dittmore IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formHost Name SelectionHow would you like to update the live event schedule?(Required)Choose an optionAdd a new live eventUpdate the date and/or time of an existing live eventCancel an existing live eventWhich Discord channel will you use?(Required)Choose Live Event Stage if you expect 25 participants or more. Choose Live Event Voice is it's important for every participant to be able to join via video.Choose an optionLive Event StageLive Event VoiceThis field is hidden when viewing the formLive Event Stage Selection DiscordThis field is hidden when viewing the formLive Event Stage Selection InternetThis field is hidden when viewing the formLive Event Voice Selection DiscordThis field is hidden when viewing the formLive Event Voice Selection InternetThis field is hidden when viewing the formLocation Output for DiscordThis field is hidden when viewing the formLocation Output for InternetLive Event Type(Required)See our Live Event Types documentation for a list of definitions of the available live event type options. Live event types marked with * are likely to feel more comfortable for participants if they aren’t recorded. Don’t plan to record or post replays for these unless ALL the live participants tell you they want the conversation recorded.Select an optionAccountability Check-in*Ask Me AnythingChit Chat Call*Digital Prototyping Help SessionEmotional Check-in*LFG Practice Session*Party*Productivity Call*Prototype Listing Help Session*RoundtableSTUPID Goal Setting Session*WorkshopThis field is hidden when viewing the formCollaboration PurposeThis field is hidden when viewing the formConnection PurposeThis field is hidden when viewing the formLearning PurposeThis field is hidden when viewing the formPersonal Development PurposeThis field is hidden when viewing the formPurpose OutputThis field is hidden when viewing the formAccountability Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formAsk Me Anything Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formChit Chat Call Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formDigital Prototyping Help Session Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formEmotional Check-in Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formLFG Practice Session Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formParty Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formProductivity Call Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formPrototype Listing Help Session Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formRoundtable Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formSTUPID Goal Setting Session Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formWorkshop Description LinkThis field is hidden when viewing the formEvent Type Description Link OutputWhat type of party?(Required)This will appear in the title of the event as [Party Type] PartyThis field is hidden when viewing the formParty Type OutputWhat is the topic?(Required)This field is hidden when viewing the formAMA TopicThis field is hidden when viewing the formRoundtable TopicThis field is hidden when viewing the formWorkshop TopicThis field is hidden when viewing the formTopic OutputGuest Name(s) (Optional)Any presenter(s) other than yourself. If there will be more that one guest, write the full statement: Guest Name 1 and Guest Name 2This field is hidden when viewing the formGuest OutputWhich Discord server members is this live event intended for?(Required)Check all that apply Attendee Alumni Community This field is hidden when viewing the formAttendee Role IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formAttendee SelectionThis field is hidden when viewing the formAlumni Role IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formAlumni SelectionThis field is hidden when viewing the formCommunity Role IDThis field is hidden when viewing the formCommunity SelectionThis field is hidden when viewing the form[New Role] IDThis field is hidden when viewing the form[New Role] SelectionThis field is hidden when viewing the formRole ID OutputThis field is hidden when viewing the formRole Selection OutputWhat is the ID Number for the live event you are updating?(Required)Find the ID in the announcement for the call in the #live-event-schedule Discord channel or in the Upcoming Calls table on the Discord Live Events Schedule page.What is the ID Number for the live event you are canceling?(Required)Find the ID in the announcement for the call in the #live-event-schedule Discord channel or in the Upcoming Calls table on the Discord Live Events Schedule page.Date(Required)MM-DD-YYYY Month Day Year Start Time(Required)Enter all times in U.S. Eastern : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Time(Required)Enter all times in U.S. Eastern : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM This field is hidden when viewing the formNew Event Start TimeThis field is hidden when viewing the formNew Event End TimeUpdated Date(Required)MM-DD-YYYY Month Day Year Updated Start Time(Required)Enter all times in U.S. Eastern : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Updated End Time(Required)Enter all times in U.S. Eastern : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM This field is hidden when viewing the formUpdated Event Start TimeThis field is hidden when viewing the formUpdated Event End TimeWill you use Craig to record the audio for this live event?(Required)If the event type you've selected above is marked with a * the event is likely to feel more comfortable for participants if it isn't recorded. Only proceed with recording or posting a replay for this event if ALL the participants who attend live tell you during the call that they want the conversation recorded.Choose an optionYesNoWhere will the audio recording be shared?(Required)Choose an optionPrivate to the PO Discord serverIn the PO Discord server and publicly availaleThis field is hidden when viewing the formNot RecordedThis field is hidden when viewing the formDiscord Msg for Calls to be Shared to Discord OnlyThis field is hidden when viewing the formInternet Msg for Calls to be Shared to Discord OnlyThis field is hidden when viewing the formDiscord Msg for Calls to be Shared to Discord And PublicThis field is hidden when viewing the formInternet Msg for Calls to be Shared to Discord And PublicThis field is hidden when viewing the formDiscord Msg Recording StatementThis field is hidden when viewing the formInternet Msg Recording Statement