Parental Consent For Discord Participation of a Minor Use the form below to notify our Discord server admins of your consent for your child to participate in server activities. Your Full Name(Required) First Last Your Child's Full Name(Required) First Last Your Child's Age(Required)Discord Username on Account Your Child Will Use(Required)This field is case-sensitive and must exactly match the username for the Discord account your child will interact through.▶️Watch this video to see how to copy the username directly from the profile in the desktop app. Email for Inbox Your Child Will Use(Required) An email address is required for convention badge registration and is optional for free Discord community access. You won't be added to our email list by sharing here, but we ask that if your child does register a badge or sign up for any of our emails, they use the address you list here.Permission Statement(Required)I am the above listed minor's parent or guardian, have read the policy for minor participation in the Protospiel Online Code of Conduct, and I give my consent for the above listed minor to interact through text, voice, and video in the Protospiel Online Discord server. I have login access to the Discord account and email inbox listed above. I understand that the Protospiel Online server automatically sets display names based on the real name and selected pronoun shared during signup. My child and I will decide together whether they will use their full last name or only a last initial during signup and whether they will verbally share their last name when talking with other server members during voice/video calls. I agree to stay within earshot during all of the above listed minor's live voice and/or video interactions in the Protospiel Online Discord server until such time as they are age 18 or older. I understand I can email the Protospiel Online Discord server's administrators at team (at) protospiel (dot) online with any concerns or special requests to ensure my child's time spent in the tabletop game designer community Protospiel Online provides is safe and productive. I agree to all of the above.